Lasersport Outdoor
When played outdoors Lasersport is like ordinary clay pigeon shooting except that 5, or more, players can shoot at the same target at the same time. Fluorescent clays are launched from the Lasersport automatic clay launcher, and the speed and angle at which the clays fly can be adjusted to suit the skill levels of the people playing Lasersport.
The scores of each player are displayed on the large electronic scoreboard and there are several games within the system.
Lasersport at Night
The automatic clay launcher has a built in device which charges the luminous clays, which then glow brightly in the night sky, The night time clays are included in the system package and that package can be varied to include more night time clays if required.

Lasersport Indoor
The Lasersport Smart Target System consists of one Controller, eight Smart Targets, eight connecting leads, and a set of five gun limiters.
8 different modes
The SMART system has eight different modes all of which can be set to suit the skill level of the players. The SMART control unit plugs into the Lasersport Scoreboard and the operator can adjust the length of time that targets stay “alive”, and use any of the 8 game functions all of which make indoor shooting a fast, furious and exciting shooting game.
The players shoot at the targets using the Lasersport shotguns, and when they are hit by the harmless infra red beam from the Lasersport gun the target flashes, indicating the hit, and the players scores are then shown on the scoreboard.

Key Stats
Played in over 70 countries across the globe
Played by over 5 million people each year
Each system can generate this per year
6 Months
Return on investment
The four Lasersport games
Each game provides different points – with all players shooting at the same target at the same time,
Rapidfire and Speedshoot, where players need to shoot quickly as well as accurately, increase the excitement and competitivity of Lasersport
All of the games in the system can be used both outdoors and indoors with the Lasersport SMART system.
Indoors or outdoors day or night the Lasersport system gives your customers an exhilarating and entertaining activity, and you -a highly profitable product.

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